After a few years I've picked up on PHP again. I'm reminded of how powerful a language it is - as well as how much of it I've forgotten.
My primary goal in this exercise is to be able to generate random values that can be used as test data. I started with a class for generating random strings (alphabetical, alphanumeric and ASCII) along with various formats (all capitals, all lower, sentence, title and random) as either of fixed length or of random length within a range.
This was relatively simple. The issue and where the memory hole exists is in processing input so that the values can be generated as needed. I remember processing the POST variables as well as doing input validation with error messaging. The solution is probably quite simple, I just need to finish this before moving on to the next bunch of ideas.
My primary goal in this exercise is to be able to generate random values that can be used as test data. I started with a class for generating random strings (alphabetical, alphanumeric and ASCII) along with various formats (all capitals, all lower, sentence, title and random) as either of fixed length or of random length within a range.
This was relatively simple. The issue and where the memory hole exists is in processing input so that the values can be generated as needed. I remember processing the POST variables as well as doing input validation with error messaging. The solution is probably quite simple, I just need to finish this before moving on to the next bunch of ideas.
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