Sunday, July 27, 2008

Getting out there

AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - FEBRUARY 9: In this h...Image by Getty Images via DaylifeAfter much deliberation, I eventually completed an article targeted specifically for publication. Amazing to me StickyMinds allowed it through their filtering process. While it has been a while in coming, I have managed to get an article in a real location.

The idea for the article actually stemmed from a blog posting. The blog posting arose out of doing a little training of folks on QTP. A seemingly varies path but I'd have to say that it does help to clear things in your own mind by pointing them out to others.

The idea for another potential article now needs to resolve itself into a bit of action. The idea for this one arose out of the writing of the other - not so much a sequel but another on clarifying a concept in test automation.

In putting up a list of the things I've done, I see that there are only a few and they are pretty far apart. They also seem to be based on a theme. At least I've done a few things...

Zemanta Pixie

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