Monday, January 5, 2009

Notes Abound

Alpha sixImage via WikipediaMoving from a client site can be a tad frustrating. You organized the email, notes, documents, code, and various other things to made the project work easier. Then off you go to somewhere else potentially leaving a whole slew of necessary items behind. This particular move has been somewhat interesting.

I've essentially moved between departments but I started with the other department with about 6 weeks to go till the end of my tenure within the original area. The company is very compartmentalized. Computers do not flow between areas. So the loss of potentially critical data was of some real concern. Email was a probable problem - inbox size limits seem to be met if the excessive measure of a weekly archiving is not brought into effect.

Retroactively working through 14 months of data can be down right daunting. Hopefully the system adopted will remove this problem. The idea is to print any important and relevant emails to PDF and to save them with the project data to a project folder. This should make all data for a specific project available in a central store.

Meetings are always a problem. For now I've synchronized the work calendar to my Google calendar. While I'm not sure about this it has proven to have been a prudent move as access, email, etc have not yet been sorted out for the new department.

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